Fine Artist & Travel Photographer


Disclaimer – Capetown-Rio, Inc. (CR) aims to offer options when consulting with corporate customers or private individuals. We can inspire, create, and provide healthy, independent, and financially secure results, lifestyles, and journeys. However, none of the articles, content, or interviews on this site should be seen as safe or safety, medical, financial, security, or legal advice.

Disclaimer Policy

Here is our disclaimer policy. Everyone’s situation is different, so you must contact your doctor before making any changes to your diet, exercise routine, or medical plan. Likewise, only your financial advisor is qualified to give you financial advice. Please take care of yourself and consult a licensed expert before following any information on this site. One more thing. Affiliate links on the site for products are ones I love. While compensation may be paid when you purchase from affiliate partners, be assured that product recommendations are based on my personal beliefs, and trusted the product.

FTC Disclaimer

Capetown-Rio’s primary purpose is to help by offering consulting advice. Our primary goal is to keep things simple, share with our customers and community, earn consulting fees for business strategy, fine art by Katherine Green, and learn from each other.

However, in 2009, the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) started to require bloggers to provide disclosures regarding potential hidden interests and/or biases.

According to the FTC rules, CR makes it clear whenever any financial compensation related to the content on this site is received; we will let you know. For example, if a hotel picks up the tab or pays for room, or trave, or writer’s rooms, I must mention it and do. Likewise, if I include an affiliate link to an article (for compensation even if it’s only $0.01 per purchase), I need to state it. I do this on my homepage.

Disclaimer about our writing disclosures inside every article adds to the length and makes the post less interesting.
Please know that for every recommendation, link, an article on this site, with me as the “Writer,” the above statement applies.

Capetown-Rio doesn’t sell any of our information. Period.

© Capetown-Rio Inc dba Where in the World is Kate, & Katherine Green Art, All Rights Reserved
Last updated: June 9, 2020